Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices in the world – it is most commonly used in Asian cuisine, but its popularity has grown in the last few years, and now it’s frequently used worldwide. Besides its great flavor, turmeric has numerous health benefits as well. Its use goes back for millennia, and some experts think that it’s also mentioned in the bible under the name of “gold” – one of the 3 gifts the wise men brought to Jesus on the day of his birth.
Turmeric and its active compound curcumin have been a subject of well over 7000 studies, and all of them have confirmed the spice’s health benefits one way or the other. Furthermore, the spice also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals which makes it great for your health.
Here are some of the health benefits of turmeric:
Treats depression
Turmeric is full of antioxidants which have antidepressant properties. Some studies have tried using turmeric as a natural remedy against cancer, and it has provided incredible results.
May prevent cancer
According to animal studies, turmeric may assist in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer and can also protect organs from radiation. It can also prevent the growth of T-cells (leukemia), breast cancer and colon cancer cells.
Treats arthritis
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can relieve arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
Improve your immune system
Turmeric has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties and is rich I n lipopolysaccharides which can give your immune system a boost and help the body fight infections.
Accelerates the healing of wounds
Due to the antiviral and antiseptic properties, turmeric can easily accelerate the healing of minor wounds.
Keeps your cardiovascular system in check
The spice and its active compound can regulate your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy.
Protects the liver
Turmeric contains detoxifying enzymes which can protect the liver from damage and maintain its proper function.
Prevents Alzheimer’s disease
According to one recent study, consuming turmeric regularly can improve the blood and oxygen flow to the brain and prevent the accumulation of protein plaque in it, effectively preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
You can use turmeric in different ways – it can be added to soups and stews or in your morning smoothie. It can also be used to prepare delicious drinks which can improve your overall health.
Here are 7 fun turmeric recipes which will make you healthier:
Turmeric tea
½ tsp. powdered turmeric
1 cup hot water
A pinch of black pepper
Lemon juice
Boil the water in a pot before adding the turmeric. Simmer the mixture for 5 minutes on low heat, then strain the tea, add the honey, black pepper and lemon juice and drink the tea lukewarm.
Turmeric juice
1 tsp. turmeric powder
A pinch of sea salt
½ a lemon
Juice the lemon in a cup, add the salt and turmeric and mix well. Drink the mixture fresh, preferably in the morning before breakfast.
Turmeric scramble
This one’s easy – sprinkle a teaspoon of turmeric on your scrambled eggs and enjoy!
Turmeric soup
½ a cup grated turmeric root
4 cups broth (vegetable or bone)
Bring a pot of broth to a boil, then put the turmeric in and simmer until it’s soft. Take the chunk out in the end, add some salt and black pepper and consume the soup warm.
Turmeric smoothie
1 tsp. powdered turmeric
1 tsp. maca root (powdered)
1 tsp. hemp seeds
2 tbsp. coconut flakes
½ a cup coconut milk
1 ½ cups frozen mango or pineapple chunks
A pinch of black pepper
Mix everything in a blender and enjoy this tasty smoothie.
Golden milk
1 tsp. powdered turmeric
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. ginger powder
¼ cup water
A pinch of cinnamon, clove can cardamom
2 tsp. honey
A cup of coconut milk
Warm up the coconut milk and add all the ingredients while stirring well, then cook the mixture for a minute or two until it starts boiling. Drink a cup of this healthy beverage every day to boost your overall health.
Turmeric kefir
1/3 cup turmeric powder
1 gallon spring water
A cup of organic sugar
A cup of fresh ginger
½ a cup water kefir grains
Peel the turmeric and ginger and chop them on small pieces, then set them aside. Now, bring the spring water to a boil, then add the previously chopped ginger and turmeric. Cook the mixture on low heat for about an hour, then pour it in a pitcher and leave it in your fridge for another hour. Strain the mixture afterwards, add the sugar and stir well until it dissolves. Add the water kefir grains last, cover the pitcher with a cloth or gauze, secure with a bandage and leave it on room temperature for up to 5 days. When the mixture tastes sour, it’s ready for consumption. We suggest drinking a cup or two of the kefir every day for best results.